Monday, January 09, 2006

To all Sea-Living stockholders, you have a cause for joy. I made my return to academia today, and I was neither late nor compelled to skip out. It is true that I was quite tired from a late-night malaise of academic-anxiety, and though I faded in and out during the first few minutes of my first lecture, I was able to regain self-control.

Some of my old classmates are still there. Some people I didn't like two years ago are still there, though they have mustaches now. My friend Eric, who was once a print shop attendent, now runs the place. I forecast drinks @ Mackenzie's in the not so distant future. For the uninformed, Mackenzie's touts itself as a 'Scotch Bar With American Flavor'. Which means they want to evoke the conglomeration of the flavors of single-malt Glenfiddich and state fair corndogs. The places I drink so you don't have to...

I enjoy the Minneapolis skyway system: it's somewhere between Cloud City from the Empire Strikes Back and a habi-trail that your 3rd grade class used to have for hamsters to bridge between two cages. In 3rd grade, our class hamster had babies. Shortly thereafter I learned hamsters, of course, live for nothing more to commit infanticide.


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