Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Status update:
+ It's getting totally fall time in Minneapolis: almost time for jackets in the afternoon even. It seems like just the other day we were all sweating bullets and I spent fourth of july at D4th of July at the triple rock. Autumn in the middle west is something to behold.

+ School is now a week away from being done for a little bit. Hurray. After a few days of non-school, I head down to Chicago with my girlfriend Megan to see the Cubs play their last home game of the season and also to get some drinking out of the way. Things are changing and getting better. I am often happy when I am not thinking about school.

+ If you like the month of October, but have been referring to it as Rocktober for 3 or 4 years, as have I, I think you ought to use a different nickname for October. May I submit to you, 'Octoberquest'? Don't thank me, thank the Major League Baseball (its their infographic on Though I think Octoberquest has fertile possibilities for all things fantasy-related. Imagine all across this great land Americans would say things akin to: "It's Octoberquest, better play Dungeons and Dragons," or "Hey, it's Octoberquest, lets get wasted on something and watch the Dark Crystal," or "It's Octoberquest... let's put on a Hawkwind tribute show."

+ I'm keeping the beard. I like it with my glasses.

Friday, September 08, 2006

I need a campari.

I am worn the hell out. I am busted and almost non-functioning. I am too old for school and I think about art-things too much. I want to just go to parties and talk to people and drink 2 1/2 beers before going home.