Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Lazer Lazer Lazer Love.

I've been on the internet far too often lately, and in my travels I've been however fortunate one can really be when one stumbles onto WickedLasers.Com This is indicative of a growing subculture, - a laser subculture. The site sells high-powered laser pointers that shoot green laser beams. These green lasers are more powerful than your standard Office-Max red laser. Green lasers can ignited matches, burn through euro-format office paper, and 'disperse' birds.

With the utility of lasers becoming more and more consumated, one can wonder when exactly they will become instruments of violence. Which begs, will we call them 'laserings' or 'zappings' as opposed to 'shootings'? I for one would prefer the term 'laserings', but I do not welcome laserings, the inevitable drive-by laserings, police officers lasering innocent bystanders, or epic laser battles fought on the surface of Mars. Hopefully by that time, the US will have refined its own foreign policy and the roads will be dominated by hydrogen fuel-cell powered cars.

Here are some videos from the site's video page:
Green Laser on CSI Miami, Laser + Bling + Porn Groove (vaguely reminiscent of the Knight Rider theme), and never do this, because it is not cool.


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